Friday, March 6, 2015

How to Practice Good Pronunciation in IELTS Speaking?

Communication is vital for human development most especially communicating in the English language. In the recent years, there are a lot of non-native English speakers who have become eager in learning English. The English language is currently used by billions of people all over the world; thus, it shows how valuable English is to communication.


Speaking the English language is a great advantage to individuals who want to pursue a career or education in English speaking countries. Further, these individuals have to be informed that an English proficiency examination test is required as part of the visa application. One trusted English proficiency examination is the IELTS or the International English Language Testing System examination.

The IELTS test, like any other English fluency tests, has a speaking examination. In this part of the test, examinees have to sit in front of a native English speaker for fifteen minutes for an interview. The interview consists of three different tasks: an introduction, individual long-turn, and a two-way discussion. Each task evaluates the individual’s knowledge in understanding and responding different English questions.

Most candidates of the IELTS test feel anxious before the examination. Hence, it is recommended for any examinees to attend IELTS speaking lectures to improve their speaking skills and confidence in using the language. One of the most important things examinees has to practice a lot is pronunciation. In the Philippines, every region has an accent that can greatly influence one’s English pronunciation. Here are some English words that Filipinos need to be careful with their pronunciation and stress as well.

1. Prefer, Refer
The stress on this word should be placed on the second syllable, not on the first.

2. Beach
This word “beach” has a long /i/ sound.

3. February
This word does not have a /y/ sound after the /b/ sound. It should not be pronounced as Febyuary.

4. Comfortable
This word should not be pronounced as COM-FOR-TA-BLE but as COMF-TA-BLE.

5. Government
The /n/ sound in the word “government” is not silent.

6. Clothes, clothe, cloth
The first word is a noun that refers to dresses. Clothe is the verb that means to provide somebody with clothes and cloth is a noun that refers to a type of woven material.

7. Appreciate
The last syllable is supposed to be pronounced as /sheyt/ not /shet/.

8. Busy
This word has a /z/ sound not /s/.

9. Cupboard
This word has a silent /p/ sound.

10. Confirm
The last syllable is supposed to sound as /FURM/ not /FEERM?

Now, how can one practice good pronunciation for the IELTS?

When you are not sure with the correct pronunciation of a particular word, always consult a dictionary.

Listen to English speakers. You can browse Youtube for different videos that teach proper pronunciation.

Have a vocabulary list. Write down words that you commonly mispronounce and practice speaking it every day.

Use the words you commonly mispronounce often. This will help you be familiar on its pronunciation and usage.

Find a speaking instructor. In IELTS review centers, speaking instructors train their students with the correct pronunciation of words to eliminate any regional accent one has.

Having good pronunciation is an important factor in becoming a good English speaker. Practice every day to develop your skill and your confidence in using the English language.

For more IELTS Tips you can refer to this link

1 comment:

  1. IELTS is designed to assess the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication.

    Reading skills for IELTS
