Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What is the Usual OBS Required for the General Training Module?

Living overseas seems a sweet idea. However, certain requirements have to be met before an applicant can enjoy living overseas. For countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and even in some parts of the United States of America, a particular English proficiency examination is required as part of their eligibility to apply for a visa. The IELTS or the International English Language Testing System examination is accepted.

Many Filipinos are familiar with the IELTS; however, some are still clueless to what this test is all about. The IELTS is an English proficiency examination which aims to evaluate an individual’s ability to understand and use the English language in its four core skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Moreover, the IELTS test has two different modules. The General Training module is taken by those Filipinos who:

are going to train or study at a below degree level. This could be certificate programs in different institutions in the countries mentioned above.
are going to work or undertake work-related training in an English speaking countries. These are individuals who applied for a working visa (federal skilled visa).
are planning to immigrate to an English speaking country.

These are the three reasons why a certain candidate has to take the General Training module of the IELTS examination. Furthermore, candidates have to be aware that there are certain overall band score (OBS) requirements that they have to achieve. If the candidate is unfortunate to reach the target score, he or she has the option to have his or her test re-evaluated or take the exam again. What are the usual overall band score for the General Training module?

For starters, an OBS of 5.0 is usually asked from individuals who are applying for a skilled work visa. IN countries like Canada and Australia, men and women who want to work as butchers are qualified and eligible to work with a score of 5.0 in their IELTS examination. Hence, most skilled work in the countries mentioned required the said OBS. Second, people who are going to live permanently or immigrating to other countries can get a score of at least 4.0 (depending on the country they are applying for). The score is not that high as a score of 4.0 shows that the candidate has basic competence in the English language; thus, communicating with other people is not a problem.  Most of the time, applicants are always advised to ask their agencies of their score requirements. Some may even consider a lower score from what is required as long as there are conditions to be met (depending on the country and the agency).

The most important thing to remember when taking the IELTS is getting prepared for it. It is possible to score even higher from these requirements when the candidate is trained and taught on certain skills and techniques for the examination. Candidates have to undergo exposure on the flow of the examination. IELTS review centers are known for this. These centers can provide training and education that candidates need. With constant mock exams and coaching, candidates will learn their strengths and work a little more extra on their weaknesses.

To be sure about your score requirement for the IELTS General Training exam, consult your agency and even your IELTS review center.

For more IELTS Tips you can refer to this link


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