Monday, January 12, 2015

Does Pronunciation Really Matter in the IELTS Exam?

To speak very clearly is a constant reminder to every person in communicating. When we speak clearly, the words that come out from our mouths are easily understood, and they sound very nicely. In speaking English, everyone is encouraged to open their mouths when they speak, breath properly while speaking, and pronounce words nicely all throughout the discourse. In taking the speaking exam in the IELTS or the International English Language Testing System examination, does pronunciation matter a lot?

It is a fact that some Filipinos are not really good at pronouncing some English words. One reason for this is the influence of the regional accents one has. For example, some people interchange the “b” and “v”, “p” and “f” and even the short “e” and long “e” sounds to name some. What candidates should bear in mind is that their accent really does not matter big time. Filipinos are not born English speakers and regional accent will somehow influence their manner of speaking one way or another. The important thing is the clarity of how words are pronounced.

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A clear pronunciation is the key in getting a good score in the IELTS examination. A friendly reminder to candidates: do not impress your examinee by using a British or Australian accent when speaking. Speak in your normal accent. You should be more conscious on the clarity of the words.

Most of the time, the difficulty with the usage of grammar can affect the pronunciation of an individual. There are times that candidates have a very strong accent that verbs seem to be always in the simple past tense. When the examinee hears this, the grammar criterion on your response will be affected. What should candidates do to have a clear pronunciation of words?

Understand that words have different pronunciations on both American and Australian accents.

Be conscious of the speed of your talking. Sometimes, we speak too fast that words come out very unclearly and can affect your pronunciation. Speak slowly but not too slow. Listen to how different your responses are when speaking fast and on a normal speed.

Study word stress. Some words have different meanings when the stress is placed in the beginning or on the last syllable of the word. Make sure to be familiar with these so as not to confuse your examiner.

Sentence stress is important. Make sure to stress content words in the sentences. Content words include nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. These words complete the meaning of your sentence so they have to be given emphasis.

In the IELTS exam, examiners are looking right in front of you when you speak. When you mispronounced a word, do not be sorry for it and reason out that you have a strong regional accent. Continue speaking and be careful the next time you give a response.

Practice. Find an IELTS speaking coach who can train you with the right manner of speaking. IELTS review centers have these coaches who can provide training and feedback on how one can improve his or her speaking skills.

Clarity is important in speaking. Words should come out clearly to be understood and get a good score in the IELTS speaking test.

For more information:

1 comment:

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