Accredited IELTS Review Centers in Davao City

Different review centers, different prices and programs.

IELTS and TOEFL in Davao City

Most people in Davao City are persuaded to enrol in IELTS and TOEFL review centers in the city.

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Training Center for Animal Production in Davao City

The opportunity to work overseas has been increasing for the past few years. The availability of different jobs in countries like Australia and New Zealand has brought hope to Filipinos who wish to earn more money. In the past years, healthcare professionals have had the highest and most demands of jobs overseas.  Recently, English speaking countries like Australia and New Zealand have been hiring people who are good at animal production. These people are skilled in handling animals in farms. They are primarily responsible in taking care of the animals such as feeding, monitoring their health and raising these animals.

In Davao City, TESDA or Technical Education and Skills Development Authority offers programs that educate participants on animal production. Participants are given lectures and seminars on how to have an effective communication in the workplace, how to be an effective member in a team, how to practice professionalism in the working environment, how to practice safety and all knowledge related topics in animal production.

Further, TESDA have to make sure that they have qualified candidates for this program; hence, these are the following requirements applicants should have:

Ability to read and write

Good moral character

Ability to communicate – verbal and written

In good physical and mental health to be certified by a Public Health Officer

The qualification of this program may be attained through (1) accumulation of Certification of Competency (COCs) in the following areas: raise poultry, raise small ruminants, raise swine, and raise large ruminants; (2) and demonstration of competence through project-type assessment.

With this program, a good number of people want to earn a certificate and find a job in the counties mentioned. However, since these are English-speaking countries, applicants are required to take an English proficiency examination. The IELTS or the International English Language Testing System examination is a requirement. Candidates who wish to work overseas should take the General Training module of the test and get an overall band score of at least 6.0.

In Davao City, many are already taking courses in animal production as well as enrolled training for the IELTS examination. It is best for anyone taking animal production programs to study IELTS for them to be prepared for the test. Fortunately, there are a number of good IELTS review centers in Davao City that can accommodate the needs of these candidates for quality training in the IELTS.

For more information on the Animal Production program, visit TESDA Region XI office or call them at (082) 227-3834.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How can I prevent myself from going off topic in the expression exams for IELTS?

Listening plays a huge role in speaking. Through listening, we understand the question and create responses that will directly answer what is being asked. However, there are times that our answers are out of the topic. Most of the time, the reason for this is that we failed to listen to the question carefully, some words are not familiar in the question, or we did not fully understand what the task was. In the IELTS exam, going off the topic affects a lot on your score. Hence, candidates have to be careful in giving their responses and make sure that they are on the right track.


In the speaking and writing sections of the IELTS exam, candidates are evaluated on the coherence of the response. Coherence refers to the logical connection of your answers to the question. The content of the response should hit what is being asked or to the given task. To prevent going off the topic in these sections, here are some simple yet useful tips.

IELTS Speaking

Do not hesitate to ask the examiner politely to repeat the question or have him elaborate the question for you. The examiner will rephrase the question making it easier to understand; however, do not do this in all questions. Constantly asking the examiner to repeat the question shows your weakness in understanding the English language.

Ask the examiner if he or she is referring to a particular meaning of the word. Some words have multiple meanings that might confuse you on how it is used in the question. Clarify this to the examiner. Do not ask the examiner to define the word for you.

Have a simple pattern for your response. When asked a question, answer it and provide a simple detail to it. Avoid talking too much on a response as it may lead to going off the topic given.

IELTS Writing

Understand the task whether you have to agree or disagree, show the advantage or disadvantage or have them both in your essay.

There are some tasks to be written in your essay. Make sure that these are answered and check if the questions are directly responded.

Brainstorm on ideas and remove points that may seem irrelevant or difficult to support.

Create an outline before writing. Always have an introduction, a body and a conclusion.

Check your details in your essay. The details should provide example to the idea you are making not introducing a new idea.

Practicing questions for speaking and writing for the IELTS is a good start to practice having a consistent idea in the response. Content is very important; hence, mock exams for speaking and writing are very valuable.

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Monday, January 12, 2015

Does Pronunciation Really Matter in the IELTS Exam?

To speak very clearly is a constant reminder to every person in communicating. When we speak clearly, the words that come out from our mouths are easily understood, and they sound very nicely. In speaking English, everyone is encouraged to open their mouths when they speak, breath properly while speaking, and pronounce words nicely all throughout the discourse. In taking the speaking exam in the IELTS or the International English Language Testing System examination, does pronunciation matter a lot?

It is a fact that some Filipinos are not really good at pronouncing some English words. One reason for this is the influence of the regional accents one has. For example, some people interchange the “b” and “v”, “p” and “f” and even the short “e” and long “e” sounds to name some. What candidates should bear in mind is that their accent really does not matter big time. Filipinos are not born English speakers and regional accent will somehow influence their manner of speaking one way or another. The important thing is the clarity of how words are pronounced.

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A clear pronunciation is the key in getting a good score in the IELTS examination. A friendly reminder to candidates: do not impress your examinee by using a British or Australian accent when speaking. Speak in your normal accent. You should be more conscious on the clarity of the words.

Most of the time, the difficulty with the usage of grammar can affect the pronunciation of an individual. There are times that candidates have a very strong accent that verbs seem to be always in the simple past tense. When the examinee hears this, the grammar criterion on your response will be affected. What should candidates do to have a clear pronunciation of words?

Understand that words have different pronunciations on both American and Australian accents.

Be conscious of the speed of your talking. Sometimes, we speak too fast that words come out very unclearly and can affect your pronunciation. Speak slowly but not too slow. Listen to how different your responses are when speaking fast and on a normal speed.

Study word stress. Some words have different meanings when the stress is placed in the beginning or on the last syllable of the word. Make sure to be familiar with these so as not to confuse your examiner.

Sentence stress is important. Make sure to stress content words in the sentences. Content words include nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. These words complete the meaning of your sentence so they have to be given emphasis.

In the IELTS exam, examiners are looking right in front of you when you speak. When you mispronounced a word, do not be sorry for it and reason out that you have a strong regional accent. Continue speaking and be careful the next time you give a response.

Practice. Find an IELTS speaking coach who can train you with the right manner of speaking. IELTS review centers have these coaches who can provide training and feedback on how one can improve his or her speaking skills.

Clarity is important in speaking. Words should come out clearly to be understood and get a good score in the IELTS speaking test.

For more information:

Friday, January 9, 2015

List of Tongue Twisters that can help in Speaking English

Are you having problems talking in English? Do you find yourself stuttering on some words? Are you too slow in speaking English?

Filipinos are fond of speaking in English. The language has been a part of daily conversations that using it seems like it is Filipino’s mother tongue. The familiarity with the language all started in school where the mode of instruction is in English and books are almost all printed in the English language. However, due to the regional dialect Filipinos have, which greatly influences the manner of their speaking, mispronouncing words and minor problems in reading in the English language are observed.

There are lots of ways in practicing and improving one’s English speaking skill. One way is through tongue twisters.

Tongue twisters are groups of words or phrases that are created to help someone practice articulation and even pronunciation properly. Most tongue twisters are to be repeated thrice so that the speaker will get used to the words and articulate them appropriately. Here are some best tongue twisters one can use:

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles thumped and thundered threatening the three-D thoughts of Matthew the thug - although, theatrically, it was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and thorns through the underneath of his thigh that the thirty year old thug thought of that morning.

How much wood could Chuck Woods' woodchuck chuck, if Chuck Woods' woodchuck could and would chuck wood? If Chuck Woods' woodchuck could and would chuck wood, how much wood could and would Chuck Woods' woodchuck chuck? Chuck Woods' woodchuck would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as any woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could and would chuck wood.

She sells sea shells on the sea shore;
The shells that she sells are sea shells I'm sure.
So if she sells sea shells on the sea shore,
I'm sure that the shells are sea shore shells.

There's a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch. (3x)

These tongue twisters are best to be familiar with the articulation in English. Moreover, they are a good practice for pronunciation, stress and even breathing when speaking in the English language.

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