Accredited IELTS Review Centers in Davao City

Different review centers, different prices and programs.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Training Center for Animal Production in Davao City

The opportunity to work overseas has been increasing for the past few years. The availability of different jobs in countries like Australia and New Zealand has brought hope to Filipinos who wish to earn more money. In the past years, healthcare professionals have had the highest and most demands of jobs overseas.  Recently, English speaking countries like Australia and New Zealand have been hiring people who are good at animal production. These...

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How can I prevent myself from going off topic in the expression exams for IELTS?

Listening plays a huge role in speaking. Through listening, we understand the question and create responses that will directly answer what is being asked. However, there are times that our answers are out of the topic. Most of the time, the reason for this is that we failed to listen to the question carefully, some words are not familiar in the question, or we did not fully understand what the task was. In the IELTS exam, going off the topic affects...

Monday, January 12, 2015

Does Pronunciation Really Matter in the IELTS Exam?

To speak very clearly is a constant reminder to every person in communicating. When we speak clearly, the words that come out from our mouths are easily understood, and they sound very nicely. In speaking English, everyone is encouraged to open their mouths when they speak, breath properly while speaking, and pronounce words nicely all throughout the discourse. In taking the speaking exam in the IELTS or the International English Language Testing...

Friday, January 9, 2015

List of Tongue Twisters that can help in Speaking English

Are you having problems talking in English? Do you find yourself stuttering on some words? Are you too slow in speaking English? Filipinos are fond of speaking in English. The language has been a part of daily conversations that using it seems like it is Filipino’s mother tongue. The familiarity with the language all started in school where the mode of instruction is in English and books are almost all printed in the English language. However,...