Friday, November 28, 2014

How to Avoid Jitters During IELTS Speaking Exam?

According to the dictionary, jitters is defined as a state of panic or extreme nervousness. Experiencing jitters is a very normal situation. Brides experience wedding jitters a day or on the day of the wedding. Students experience jitters before taking the finals exam – most especially if it is a make or break one. Expecting parents have jitters knowing that their baby is about to come. The point is that jitters happen to anyone on any occasion. However, jitters should always be avoided in taking an English fluency test, particularly the IELTS Speaking exam.


The International English Language Testing System examination has made its candidates all jittery in its speaking exam. The speaking exam is conducted by a native English speaker or someone who speaks English very well trained under the IDP or the British Council. Since it is a one-on-one interview, facing the examinee brings a feeling of anxiety which results to mental block, and no one wants that to happen. Having all of these said, how can one avoid getting all that jittery during the IELTS speaking test? Here is how:

Most who feel nervous during the exam knows that they are not prepared for it. Hence, the best way to come to an IELTS speaking exam is to be prepared. Know the usual topics and questions asked. Having knowledge on general topics in the interview is a great advantage.

Wear something comfortable during the exam. Do not wear pants that are tight or else you will have a hard time breathing. Some even wear something that follow superstition. There is no harm on that as long as you do not rely on this superstition in giving good answers.

Establish eye contact with the examinee. Do not give a hint to the interviewer that you are shaking inside.

When the examiners gives you a question, answer and try to start conversation from this. For example, when asked about a good place in your hometown, ask the interview if he or she has visited your hometown and recommend a good place to drop by.

Be confident with your answers. Do not doubt your ideas. Make real life examples to support your responses.

Practice. There are a lot of online resources where candidates can practice on. Further, it will be best if candidates sign up for speaking courses in IELTS review centers. Speaking mock exams are conducted where candidates are given feedback on ways to improve the response and the attitude in speaking. With speaking coaches, they train you not only on how to respond well but also how to be confident in using the English language.

Candidates must accept that being jittery before or during the exam is normal. It all depends on how you handle yourself and with the amount of preparation you have before going to the IELTS speaking real test.


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