Accredited IELTS Review Centers in Davao City

Different review centers, different prices and programs.

IELTS and TOEFL in Davao City

Most people in Davao City are persuaded to enrol in IELTS and TOEFL review centers in the city.

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Friday, November 28, 2014

How to Avoid Jitters During IELTS Speaking Exam?

According to the dictionary, jitters is defined as a state of panic or extreme nervousness. Experiencing jitters is a very normal situation. Brides experience wedding jitters a day or on the day of the wedding. Students experience jitters before taking the finals exam – most especially if it is a make or break one. Expecting parents have jitters knowing that their baby is about to come. The point is that jitters happen to anyone on any occasion. However, jitters should always be avoided in taking an English fluency test, particularly the IELTS Speaking exam.


The International English Language Testing System examination has made its candidates all jittery in its speaking exam. The speaking exam is conducted by a native English speaker or someone who speaks English very well trained under the IDP or the British Council. Since it is a one-on-one interview, facing the examinee brings a feeling of anxiety which results to mental block, and no one wants that to happen. Having all of these said, how can one avoid getting all that jittery during the IELTS speaking test? Here is how:

Most who feel nervous during the exam knows that they are not prepared for it. Hence, the best way to come to an IELTS speaking exam is to be prepared. Know the usual topics and questions asked. Having knowledge on general topics in the interview is a great advantage.

Wear something comfortable during the exam. Do not wear pants that are tight or else you will have a hard time breathing. Some even wear something that follow superstition. There is no harm on that as long as you do not rely on this superstition in giving good answers.

Establish eye contact with the examinee. Do not give a hint to the interviewer that you are shaking inside.

When the examiners gives you a question, answer and try to start conversation from this. For example, when asked about a good place in your hometown, ask the interview if he or she has visited your hometown and recommend a good place to drop by.

Be confident with your answers. Do not doubt your ideas. Make real life examples to support your responses.

Practice. There are a lot of online resources where candidates can practice on. Further, it will be best if candidates sign up for speaking courses in IELTS review centers. Speaking mock exams are conducted where candidates are given feedback on ways to improve the response and the attitude in speaking. With speaking coaches, they train you not only on how to respond well but also how to be confident in using the English language.

Candidates must accept that being jittery before or during the exam is normal. It all depends on how you handle yourself and with the amount of preparation you have before going to the IELTS speaking real test.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Rules To Follow During the IELTS Exam Day

Filipinos take the IELTS for three main reasons: work, study and immigration. The IELTS or the International English Language Testing System examination is a major requirement to any non-native English speaker who wish to work, study or live in English speaking countries particularly Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom and even the United States of America. To be sure to hit the target scores, Filipinos always believe in the help of IELTS review centers when it comes to training and education.

In IELTS review centers, candidates for the test are given information about the test, the different tasks involved and skills to get a good score in the exam. Practices and exercises are given to students to hone their English skills for the test. Aside from this information, candidates are also made aware of the rules to be followed on the exam day. It is important to understand these rules so as not to make any complications on the day of the exam.

Here is what candidates should remember on the IELTS exam day:

Be at the test center a couple of hours before the scheduled time. Upon arriving, some documents are needed to be filled out and your photograph is taken. Getting early in the test center also helps the candidate relax and adjust with the environment.

No electronic devices are allowed inside the test center. These should be placed inside the candidate’s bag and will be placed on a designated area. Have mobile phones switch off or in silent mode to avoid disturbance while the test is ongoing.

There are no breaks between the listening, reading and writing tests. Candidates are advised to use the comfort room before the test begins.

Food and drinks are not allowed while taking the test. Be sure to eat or drink something before starting with the exam.


Bring the necessary documents such as IDs on the day of the examination. The ID to be presented should be the same ID used upon registration.

Pencils, pen, erasers and the ID are the only things to be seen on your desk. Other than that should be placed inside the bag.

If there are any questions, candidates are allowed to ask the test administrators. Any questions related to the content of the exam will not be entertained.

Wear clothes that are comfortable and decent.

Stay calm in the whole duration of the exam. How you handle yourself during the test day affects your score.

These rules are made to be followed. If there are any special concerns before the exam, make sure to talk with the test supervisors to make necessary arrangements if possible.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How Much is TOEFL Review in Davao City?

Just like any other English proficiency examination, the TOEFL or the Test of English as a Foreign Language requires months of practice and reviewing. There are some people who do not take this test seriously. What they have in mind is that the TOEFL is just an English comprehension exam and no preparations are needed. Well, if you are someone who is not willing to waste $200 for the exam, then reviewing for the TOEFL is recommended.


The TOEFL test has been made available in many cities in the Philippines including Davao City. In fact, there is only one TOEFL test center in Davao City. Because of this, the schedules are easily filled in just a matter of weeks. Though it is hosted for two to three times a month, the number of candidates for the test has just keep on increasing.

Davao City residents are lucky enough to have a number of review centers in the city. These review centers serve as learning institutes to help candidates learn the skills for the TOEFL test. What do people exactly learn in review centers? How much does this cost?

In TOEFL review centers, candidates are given practices to increase their vocabulary. Since the test uses English in an academic setting, there are some words that might seem unfamiliar to examinees. Hence, they are given a lot of exercises for reading and listening. To sound like an American in speaking, candidates are given American accent training in speaking classes. In this class, pronunciation, stress and intonation are practiced. Some have a strong local dialect accent that made their pronunciation quite unsatisfactory. Thus, daily speaking exercises build their confidence and knowledge in speaking English. Moreover, grammar classes are given to improve essay writing. This class is also helpful in constructing good responses for speaking as well.

A TOEFL review class usually costs about PhP 7000. This is usually an unlimited program that is good for a year. Students can review with the center for as many times as he or she wants until he or she takes the exam and gets the score requirement. Intensive courses are at PhP 4500. It is a course program that runs for two weeks where students take a lot of mock exams and coaching for the test.

Though reviewing seem like another expenditure, the assurance of getting the right skills and even responses in the TOEFL is highly possible. Many have undergone TOEFL review classes in Davao City that they recommend to any candidate to be in the same program. Let review centers be the guide to success in the TOEFL. It is the best way to earn that score as a step in making dreams into reality.